Tired of a dirty home? Try this easy daily cleaning schedule to keep the house clean. 5 Easy Things To Do Every Day For A Cleaner Home! It makes cleaning easy with this simple daily cleaning checklist.

I love waking up every morning to clean home! Somehow the day seems much more manageable if I don't have to start out by cleaning.
I have also found out that if the house is already clean I am way more likely to spend a few minutes picking up after myself so I don't leave an even bigger mess.
Although you may be busy and not always have time to clean your whole house there are a few things you can do every day that makes you feel like your home is clean and less cluttered.
If you are trying to keep a clean house check out this daily cleaning schedule for a cleaner home.
These cleaning tasks only take a few minutes but they will make your home look cleaner and make you feel better about your house.
Also, you see how I quickly tidy my kitchen in the video below.
Daily Cleaning Schedule
When you first get started with a daily cleaning schedule remember everything doesn't have to be perfect.
Because you are picking up each day just a few minutes will help make your home feel clean and tidy.
Also, once you get the hang of doing the daily cleaning you can also check out my weekly cleaning schedule printable to help your home stay clean.
Each of the below tasks should only take a few minutes to get done and will make you feel better about your home.
Clean The Sink Before Bed
This one simple habit makes such a difference to
me. Every night I load up the dishwasher and clean my sink out before I go to bed.
It's hard sometimes when I am really tired, but waking up to a clean kitchen is totally worth it. It doesn't really take that much time. After you finish washing your dishes just take a minute to clean out the sink.
I use a homemade sink cleaner in a canning jar. I just sprinkle a little bit of the sink cleaner in the sink and give it a good scrub with a sponge or microfiber cloth.
It leaves my sink looking clean and shiny! Plus it smells great too.
I have found that I am more likely to put dishes in the dishwasher right away and keep my kitchen picked up when I have a clean sink.
If you are trying to keep a tidier house a clean sink is a great place to start.
Make Your Bed
It only takes a minute or two to make your bed but it completely changes the feel of the bedroom.
I have found that I can get away with a little clutter on the nightstands if my bed is always made.
When you wake up in the morning take that extra minute or two to make the bed. Or, if you are like me and want to give the bed a little time to breathe you can always wait until you are done showering and getting ready for the day to make your bed.
Either way, a few minutes a day spent making your bed will have a big impact on how you feel about your bedroom.
Sweep The Hard Surface Floors
We have two dogs in our home and I am amazed at what gets on our floors. We often have dog hair, dirt brought in from outside, and food crumbs.
To keep the house looking clean I try to sweep the hard surfaces in the house once a day.
If you have hardwood floors, tile, or laminate floors give them a quick vacuum or sweep every day.
Not only will your house look cleaner, but it also helps protect your floors so this is one daily cleaning task you don't want to skip.
Do A Load Of Laundry
I hate doing laundry. It's never-ending and I feel like I can never get caught up.
However, if I do a load of laundry every day I don't have to worry about getting behind on the laundry.
By adding washing, drying, and putting away a load of laundry to your daily cleaning schedule you will never feel like you are getting behind on the wash.
Not only does it may your house seem cleaner by not having piles of dirty clothes around but it also helps you feel less frantic in the morning.
There is no scrambling looking for clean clothes.
Also, if laundry is something you really struggle with you can see my tips on creating a laundry schedule that works for you.
Spot Clean The Bathroom
Bathrooms tend to get really messy really fast. If you don't stay on top of cleaning them you will get soap scum in the tub and dirty sinks.
The best way to keep your bathrooms in shape is by spot cleaning them every day.
To spot clean your bathroom I recommend you:
- Throw away trash laying around
- Put toiletries back where they belong
- wipe down the mirrors
- clean the sinks
Free Weekly Cleaning Printable
Clean your home in under 30 minutes a day with this free Weekly Cleaning printable!
By adding this task to your daily cleaning schedule it keeps soap scum and dirt and grime from building up on the sinks and faucets. It makes it so much easier to really deep clean the bathroom when I need to then.
If you spend a few minutes everyday spot cleaning the bathroom you will feel better about the whole house.
With just a few minutes every day, you can make your home feel cleaner.
Feel better about yourself and your home with this daily cleaning schedule! Another great way to make your home feel cleaner is by getting rid of clutter.
Check out my free 7-day decluttering challenge to eliminate clutter in your home.
Eileen Claussen says
Great ideas - I live by myself and sometimes it's too easy to let things slip. A clean sink would do wonders to start my day.