Need some help giving the kitchen a deep clean? Check out this free kitchen cleaning checklist printable. Easy to use to give your kitchen the cleaning it needs!

I love the feeling of a clean kitchen! Every Tuesday for me is clean the kitchen day.
I like to spend some time tidying up all around the house, but my main focus is giving the kitchen some much needed attention.
You can see here some step-by-step tips for deep cleaning the kitchen. Today I wanted to share this free kitchen cleaning checklist.
Kitchen Cleaning Checklist
This complete kitchen cleaning checklist is a great printable to help walk you through giving your kitchen a deep clean.
You can either tackle everything in a day or do the cleaning slowly over time. Either way works well and helps you check off everything on your to-do list.
Items Needed:
To get started it is helpful if you have a few things on hand. Below are a few of my favorite more natural cleaners.
Some of the best products to deep clean kitchen are:
- baking soda
- vinegar
- dish soap
- bleach
- microfiber cloths (I love this brand!)
- or paper towels
- glass spray
What areas do you cover with the Kitchen Cleaning Checklist Printable?
The printable has quick instructions for cleaning kitchen appliances including:
- Stove
- Oven
- Microwave
- Refrigerator
- Freezer
- Small Appliances
It also includes cleaning areas like:
- Cabinets
- Sink
- Countertops
- Floors
How do I get started?
Are you ready to get started? Then just sign up below to get the free kitchen cleaning checklist. You can print it to have on hand, or just use the pdf on your phone or laptop.
Pick a day when you have a few extra minutes of time and get started!
A Few Extra Tips
Before you get started deep cleaning your kitchen I have a few tips I recommend.
- work your way from the top of the kitchen to the bottom
- spend a few minutes tidying the kitchen before you start (put things away that don't belong in the kitchen)
- put on some fun music and light a candle to keep you inspired
- get all your cleaning supplies together before you get started
- make sure you have plenty of time so you don't feel rushed
- don't forget to dust your light fixtures or ceiling fans if you have them
Lydia says
I've been wanting to do a thorough clean of my kitchen for a while and am hoping to get to it this next week, so I was excited to find this helpful checklist. It looks perfect! Thank you!